Children’s Sunday School


Children’s Sunday School

Sundays, 10:15am

Sunday School is available for children and youth age 4 through grade 12.

Sunday School – following Children’s Time in Worship

Children’s Curriculum:  For Pre-K to 5th grade we will use Passport to Peace. Children will discover that there are many ways to live as peacemakers in our world. Kids are invited to see every person as part of God’s family, and every interaction as an opportunity to make peace.

Once per year for each grade level, Milestone Ministry lessons invite children and their families to Sunday School together. They share the excitement of learning more about their faith as a family and as a faith community.

Milestone Ministry topics Include: Learning About Our Church (4/5/K). The UMC Sacraments, Baptism and Communion (1st – 2nd Grade). Learning to Use Your Bible (3rd Grade). Eat Your Way Around the Seasons of the Church (4th – 5th Grade). Moving Up to The Youth Program (6th Grade).

What to Expect at Our Methodist Sunday School Lessons: Children start the service seated with their families and then attend Sunday School after the Children’s message. On Communion Sundays, the first Sunday of the month, children start in the classroom and are brought up for Communion by teachers. Parents will pick up their children in the classrooms directly after the service and are invited to stay for coffee and donuts in the Fellowship Hall.

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