Appalachia Service Project (ASP)


Appalachia Service Project (ASP)

Making Homes Warmer, Safer, Drier, Transforming Lives

2025 will mark Good Samaritan’s 44th year of participation in ASP, traveling to a location in Appalachia to help make critical repairs to a family’s home. Since COVID, the number of ASP volunteers has decreased, but the need in Appalachia has not diminished and neither has our commitment to serving the wonderful peo- ple of this area. We welcome youth who have completed 8th grade on up, college students/ young adults, and any other interested adults. Church membership or construction experi- ence are not requirements. Gather friends and family and join us as we repair homes, develop relationships, and build hope. If interested, please email Jan at so we can add you to our email list. Our 2025 trip dates are to be determined.

According to the ASP website, “each year, more than 15,000 volunteers serve with ASP, providing critical repairs for more than 350 families.” Projects can include roofing, flooring, shoring up foundations, digging drainage ditches, making rooms or homes wheel-chair accessible, or other projects that help make homes warmer, safer, and drier. In addition to building and improving homes, ASP is also a relational ministry for both the families we serve as well as those serving.

This ministry is about lifting the spirits of Appalachian families and reminding them that God’s love knows no boundaries. In the process of putting your faith in action, God acts in your heart. And when you change the lives of others, they have a way of changing you.

All students who have completed the 8th grade or higher are invited to serve with families in Central Appalachia. Students who are not members of or otherwise affiliated with Good Samaritan church are also invited to participate in the ASP trip. Bring a friend.

For more information contact Amy Manolis or  Jan Russell.

Trip Information

  • 2025 will be Good Samaritan’s 44th year serving at ASP.
  • Dates: July 12-20, 2025
  • Total cost:  $500 per person. Scholarships are available to help pay the cost of the trip; contact Jan Russell for information.
  • Destination: TBD
  • ASP 2025 theme: TBD

Registering for the trip

  • Before registering each participant and parent/guardian of each youth participant must read and understand the ASP Expectations for trip participants.
  • To register for the trip complete the ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM 
  • To secure your spot on the trip (or a spot on the waiting list if the trip is full), please submit a $100 deposit on your trip fees. See instruction in the next section.

Paying for the trip

  • To secure your spot on the trip (or a spot on the waiting list if the trip is full), please submit a $100 deposit on your trip fees.
  • The remaining balance of your trip fees is due shortly before departure for ASP.
  • Pay your trip fees ONLINE. You may pay just your $100 deposit initially then pay the balance of the trip fees at a later date. Alternately, you can pay your full trip cost all at once. When you pay online, a processing fee is taken out of the amount paid. Please consider checking the box to add 2.5% to your payment to help cover the cost of the processing fee so that the ASP trip gets the full amount of your trip fees.
  • If you would like help with the cost of the trip, please contact Jan Russell.
  • Your trip fees are refundable if you are replaced on the trip roster by someone on the waiting list or in the event that the entire trip is cancelled.

Medical Information

  • Immunizations – Up-to-date immunization for tetanus is required for all participants.
  • Hepatitis A immunization is strongly recommended. Plan ahead because Hepatitis A requires two shots 6 months apart.
  • Parents of youth participants: If requested, adult ASP leaders will assist with ensuring that your youth takes medications on schedule while on the ASP trip.

Important datesYour participation in all applicable events is crucial to the success of the trip.

  • September 12, 2024: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • October 15, 2024: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • October 23, 2024: ASP information night at church at 6:30pm. For all youth, parents, and other adults who are interested in the ASP mission trip.
  • November 12, 2024: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • December 3, 2024: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • January 14, 2025: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • January 26, 2025: Take orders for Super Bowl subs at church.
  • January 30, 2025: Deadline for completing your registration and paying your $100 deposit for the ASP 2023 trip.
  • February 2, 2025: Take orders for Super Bowl subs at church.
  • February 4, 2025: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • February 9, 2025: Super Bowl subs fundraiser. Make subs at church at 8:30am. Distribute subs that were ordered and sell additional subs at 11:00am after the church service. For all participants.
  • April 30, 2025: Culture and Sensitivity training at church at 6:30pm. Balance of ASP trip fees due. For all participants.
  • March 4, 2025: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • April 1, 2025: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • May 6, 2025: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • May 31, 2025: Tool Time at church at 9:00am-1:00pm. For all participants.
  • June 3, 2025: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • June 25, 2025: Adult leader meeting. For all adult leaders going to ASP.
  • July 1, 2025: ASP planning committee meeting.
  • July 6, 2025: Commissioning Sunday. Commissioning of the group during the church worship service. For all participants.
  • July 11,2025: Departure meeting, 6:30pm. Drop off your gear for the trip at the church. For all participants.
  • July 12, 2025: Depart for ASP. Arrive at the church no later than 4:55am. Load the vans and depart by 5:30am.
  • July 20, 2025: Return from ASP.
  • TBD: ASP Sunday. Highlights of the trip during the church worship service. For all participants.

Departure preparation

ASP’s Required Reading for All Volunteers – What must I know before going to ASP? 

All ASP volunteers must read the “ASP Required Reading for All Volunteers”. This document contains important information about:

  • ASP Mission, Vision & Guiding Principles
  • ASP Rules and Regulations
  • ASP 3 S’s
  • ASP Safety Manual

Other informative reading and viewing

New to ASP or need an inspiring refresher? – Below are some suggestions for familiarizing yourself with the ASP experience.

  • Visit the ASP web site.
  • Read the “required reading” documents (see above).
  • Sample the “optional reading and viewing” resources (see above).
  • Read about ASP Summer Mission Trips.
  • Curious about what happens each day at ASP? Learn about the typical daily schedule at ASP and other topics for volunteers in the information for Group Members.
  • Watch some of the many educational and inspirational videos on ASP’S YOUTUBE PAGE.
  • Browse through a wealth of information about the ASP experience in the Trip Coordinator Resources.
  • Pick up construction tips and learn about ASP home repair projects in the ASP Construction Videos.
  • Browse through the ASP CONSTRUCTION MANUAL, the how-to guide for the types of home repair projects encountered at ASP.
  • For all adult group leaders: Attend the adult participant meeting, held just before the trip, where you can ask questions and learn about the trip from all the other adults who are going to ASP.
  • View the presentation about our ASP PROGRAM AT GOOD SAMARITAN.

Questions? If you have any questions about ASP 2025, contact Amy Manolis or Jan Russell.

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