Children’s Ministry


Children’s Ministry

Sunday School – following Children’s Time in Worship

    • Pre-K-6th Grade, Room 200 with Jan Russell, everyone is invited!
    • This Sunday, 9/15: “Mini-Revolutions” – Lectionary-based curriculum

Tonight! Pizza Party with Pastor Max
We have put together a special Meet & Greet for families – tonight!
WednesdaySeptember 11, 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall.
We will have a pizza dinner and a few icebreaker games to get to know each other. Join us!

Coming Soon:

  • October 2, 6:30-8:00 pm – “Just One” at Messiah UMC
    Just One is a collaborative, community-wide event that helps a community have a conversation around depression, suicide, and suicide prevention. This event is geared toward middle and high school youth but has important information for everyone – especially parents and people who work with teens.

Speaker Sam Eaton shares his story of the day suicide didn’t win. Sam is the founder of a suicide prevention organization called Recklessly Alive, and author of the 2021 book, Recklessly Alive: What My Suicide Attempt Taught Me About God and Living Life to the Fullest. His talk offers resources and practical applications for those who are struggling with mental health and depression and also provides information on how to best support friends and family struggling with depression.

Just One also features live music from hip-hop artist Kaboose, a positive-message artist who hopes to bring a message of positivity into people’s lives. Kaboose puts on an interactive, audience-driven show.

At Just One, attendees will also find resources from local and national organizations to help continue the conversation around mental health.

We hope you can join us at Messiah Church (17805 Co Rd 6, Plymouth) on Wednesday, October 2 from 6:30-8 p.m.

If you would like to carpool, meet at the Good Samaritan parking lot at 6:00 pm.

Mini Boo: October 31

Join Our Reconciling United Methodist Church

Join Good Samaritan in Edina for inclusive and inspiring faith! If you’d like to visit our LGBTQIA-Friendly Methodist church today, contact us to schedule a tour. We look forward to welcoming you into our vibrant and compassion community today!

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