Help Out Of Homelessness
Our Mission Team created the Help Out of Homelessness Fund to help families experiencing homelessness transition into permanent housing. Since families often lose all of their belongings, we collect furniture and household goods such as blankets, dishes, sheets, towels and more from the congregation and the community through NextDoor.com.
Also, we provide loans to families to cover the damage deposit and/or the first month’s rent. The Missions Team manages the fund and works with the families to determine their needs.
These families often come through the Beacon’s programs (Families Moving Forward) or Stonebridge World School. All the families we support must be working with a social worker before approaching Good Samaritan to ensure all of their needs are being met.
Good Samaritan Contact: JoAnn Knutson at joannknutson@hotmail.com
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Join Good Samaritan in Edina for inclusive and inspiring faith! If you’d like to visit our LGBTQIA-Friendly Methodist church today, contact us to schedule a tour. We look forward to welcoming you into our vibrant and compassion community today!