Prayer Chain
A current list of prayer items, along with a short devotional reflection, are sent out weekly to over 100 prayerful supporters. If you have a prayer of joy, concern, or praise you would like lifted to the Lord, simply send a note to Pastor Jim Beard (Jim@Good.org), Director of Congregational Care, by the end of the day Tuesdays. Or if you are one who would like to pray for others and be included in these weekly notifications, simply let Pastor Jim know. You need not be a member of Good Samaritan UMC to be included in this life-giving ministry.
Join Our Reconciling United Methodist Church
Join Good Samaritan in Edina for inclusive and inspiring faith! If you’d like to visit our LGBTQIA-Friendly Methodist church today, contact us to schedule a tour. We look forward to welcoming you into our vibrant and compassion community today!