Good Samaritan News
Lenten Small Groups “The Path: Our Journey of Discipleship”
What does your spiritual path look like? “The Path” is a 6-session series that empowers you to be honest, to explore, to experiment, and to hopefully take a step or two forward on your journey of discipleship. This offering will consist of 3-5 separate small groups of 8-10 people meeting at different times over the 6-week period (Lent runs from Ash Wednesday, March 5, to Easter Sunday, April 20). A trained facilitator will be assigned to each group. Timing is flexible, as is location. All of this will take a bit of coordinating, so go to right away for further information and to get started. All groups will hopefully be set by Sunday, February 23.
This has been one of Pastor Jim’s best-received Spiritual Formation courses in the past; it is hoped that it will be just as impactful for you!
Healthy Communication Refresher Course
Do you ever find yourself wondering how best to navigate challenging conversations, whether in personal or professional situations? Each time a congregation begins a new appointment, the Annual Conference offers training in the Rule of Christ model of healthy communication. We’ll review conflict skills, including avoidance of triangles and direct discourse based on Jesus’ teachings.
Retired clergy John Mueller Nowell will lead us on Tuesday, March 25
5:00-5:30 Light dinner (RSVP to church office by Wednesday, March 19 or through SignUp Genius)
5:30-7:30 Training during Church Council open to everyone
7:30-8:30 Staff Parish Relations training
Ash Wednesday Service
Ash Wednesday is coming up on March 5. We will gather for worship at 7:00 p.m. You’ll have the opportunity to write down something you want to release for the Lenten season that will be safely burned. This is a confidential prayer between you and God. We remember our mortality as we receive the sign of the cross on our forehead or hand. We’ll also celebrate Communion as we begin the Lenten season together. For those who will be joining our Ash Wednesday Hybrid Worship online, the link will be available on the Watch & Listen page. Online participants and can join starting at 6:45 p.m.
Out-to-Lunch Bunch is Starting Up Again!
Our first outing will be to the Galleria Shopping Center to see Bachman’s Floral Experience (free!). Meet in the Good Samaritan lower parking lot at 9:45 a.m. on Thursday, March 27 to carpool. Or meet us at Galleria at 10:00 a.m. but let JoAnn know. Guests are welcome, bring a friend! We will have lunch afterward at the Good Earth. Contact JoAnn to let her know you are coming or if you need a ride from home - or 612-240-9372.
Intergenerational Ukrainian Egg Day! – Saturday, April 12, 2:00-5:30 p.m.
We want to be good stewards of resources, and with the current food insecurities, we are donating the equivalent of five dozen eggs to both VEAP and Joyce Food Shelf. However, the intergenerational fun will continue! We will be doing alternative Ukrainian crafts, playing Ukrainian games, listening to Ukrainian music, and supporting the UMCOR mission in Ukraine. Please RSVP by April 5 to
Spring Social with Homeward Bound – Friday, May 2, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Mark your calendars and RSVP for your spot at this year’s Spring Social! This event features Good Samaritan's band, Homeward Bound, for an evening of family-friendly music, fellowship, and fun. The band will play two sets of music in Fellowship Hall with a short intermission. Coffee, lemonade and desserts will be served. A free-will offering will benefit our music department. All are welcome. RSVP at
Thursday Afternoon Book Club
Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 13th in the Fireside Room at 1:00. The discussion title is The Color Purple by Alice Walker. This Pulitzer Prize winning and often challenged novel is an eloquent portrait of black women’s lives that are sustained by faith, love, and trust in the face of brutality, poverty, and racism. Please join us for the discussion, fellowship and refreshments. Questions: contact Vicki Dunn,
Drivers Needed for Meals on Wheels!
If you have 1-2 hours per month to spare, please consider this volunteer opportunity! Good Samaritan supplies volunteer drivers for Meals on Wheels on the third and fifth Fridays of each month. The number of clients has increased and routes have been added. We now need six drivers on our assigned days. Contact: Vicki Dunn,
Good Samaritan is now on BlueSky!
We’re continuing to grow our social media footprint. BlueSky is a new social media space with a strong Progressive Christian presence. They’re also considered by many to be a more ethical alternative to existing social media platforms. If you're on BlueSky, please consider following us here.
Optimal Online Worship Experience is on the “Watch & Listen” page or YouTube
We’re continuing to have challenges with Facebook and online worship. They are often mistakenly muting music due to copyright issues. This happens when Facebook’s AI mistakes original recordings for commercially available recordings. This is not an issue on our Good Samaritan YouTube Channel, which features music, prayers, Time with Children segments, visual meditations, and sermons. You can also watch on our “Watch & Listen” page.
Special News for Youth and Families
BFF – Building Faithful Families! We all have such crazy schedules. Making it to church can sometimes be difficult. To help you build your family’s faith, each month we will have a new resource for you to try at home with your family. These resources don’t need a theology degree, just a desire to be come closer as a family and to strengthen your family’s spirituality. January is all about setting your intentions for 2025. You can pick up these resources at the welcome desk in the Narthex or Jan can email them to you! Let her know at if you would like a copy.
Online Readers Wanted
We want to extend an invitation to those who participate in Online Worship to be readers, especially for those who are not able to come to our in-person services. If you’re in the local area, we would be happy to come to you to record. If you are distant, we can find a way to help you record. We may even include the recording during In-Person Worship as well. Please reach out to if you would like to participate in worship remotely. You don’t have to be the perfect reader to be a part of worship.
Sanctuary Camera System Training
Training is still available for our sanctuary camera systems for Recording and Live streaming. If operating our built-in sanctuary cameras seems too much, there is also training available for our free-standing cameras, which we use in creating Online Worship, and we could use your help. Please contact Chrisitan Nielsen at to learn more or to sign up.
Let the Play Begin!
The Good Sam Pickleball Club invites interested adult Good Samaritan members to join in the newly added introduction/beginners pickleball sessions. The sessions will be held in the church Gym each Saturday from 10:00-11:00 a.m. No previous experience is necessary. Paddle equipment will be available. Regular pickleball play time is Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 5:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 11:00a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Registration is required for ANY/ALL sessions. Registration forms are available outside the church office or at the Gym.
Memorial Service Help
We are looking for people who are interested in occasionally helping with memorial services held at Good Samaritan. This is something we used to do years ago and are exploring restarting it. The areas we could use help with are baking cookies, making coffee, washing tablecloths, and coordinating. You would be contacted when a memorial service is planned at Good Samaritan where the bereaved would appreciate cookies and bars provided by the church. If you are interested in being on the list, please contact Kathy Clark at Thank you for your time.
Chancel Chimes Needs You!
Chancel Chimes handbell ensemble is looking for new members. If you are interested in ringing handbells or even just trying them, now is the time. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:15 pm and we participate in worship approximately once a month. The ability to read music and a can-do attitude are helpful. Contact Kate Graber,, for details. The Bell Room 153 is on the lower level in the Music Wing..
Online Worship on SW Community Television!
Our Online Worship is now on Southwest Community Television, accessible to cable subscribers in Edina and surrounding communities on Channel 15 (Standard Definition) 799 (High Definition). Having our worship on cable will make it more accessible for those with limited technology access or knowledge and we hope it will increase our visibility in the area. Online Worship will also be available on demand from their website and through their “Cablecast” streaming app for iPhone, Android, Apple TV, Roku and Fire TV users. Our schedule on channel 15 & 799 is:
- Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 pm
- Fridays 9-10 am
- Saturdays 7 - 8 pm
- Sundays 10 am (airs one week behind due to our production schedule)
Help Beautify our Worship
Our altar flower signup sheet for Sunday morning worship is looking very empty. Consider signing up! You can acknowledge an anniversary, honor someone, or provide flowers just because! There are several ways to provide flowers for the altar for all different budgets, including:
- Have Cindy in the office order an arrangement from Bachman’s for a cost of $65 (or more for a larger arrangement).
- To avoid the $18 delivery fee, order your own arrangement and pick it up yourself.
- Grab a bouquet from your local grocery store (Trader Joe’s has a great selection for lower cost) or farmers market (Fulton Farmers Market meets at Lake Harriet UMC on Saturday mornings).
- Cut flowers and foliage from your own yard.
When you sign up on the Altar Flowers chart on the Narthex kiosk, Cindy will be in touch with you to discuss what you would like to do. Contact her with questions - or 952-929-0049.