The Lorax & Other Eco-Justice Voices

The Lorax & Other
Eco-Justice Voices” Series

Are harmful changes we are hearing about in our environment feeling a bit confusing, distant, or overwhelming? This Everyday Justice mini-series is an adult-focused, biblically-based course aimed at deepening our awareness, faith, and response to today’s alarming global issues. Rev. Cooper Wiggen (former Associate Pastor at Good Samaritan from 1979 – 1982) was invited in to lead these sessions. As a bonus, at the third session Bill Middlecamp, a professionally trained Climate Reality Leader, was present to explain the environmental destruction impacts we are experiencing today, how we got to this point, and what the future may hold. Participants experienced the En-ROADS solutions simulator to imagine together what our future could be. En-ROADS is a “choose your ending” simulation that uses some of the best available science to compute and present possible results from choices in energy, food production, land use, and consumer behavior that society can make today.

May 2, 2024, Part 1

May 9, 2024, Part 2

May 16, Part 3

Downloadable Notes on: Climate Impacts and Solutions

May 23, Part 4


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