Here at Good Samaritan, we believe that church is about more than Sunday morning.
We are continually working to expand our programming to meet the needs and interests of the myriad of folks who enter our doors. Help us grow in love of God and neighbor. If you have an idea for a new group, contact our Lead Pastor.
Explore our various Adult programs below, or learn about additional current and archived Spiritual Growth Opportunities here
- All Adult Programs
- Bible Study & Fellowship

If you are an experienced pickleball player, you are welcome to join the players in the Good Samaritan Gym during any of the following sessions:
- Beginner’s lessons: Saturdays – 10:00 to 11:00 [equipment provided]
- Experienced players: Saturdays – 11:00 to 1:00 [bring your own paddle; balls are provided]
Contact Robin Stangis with questions –
Prayer Chain
A current list of prayer items, along with a short devotional reflection, are sent out weekly to over 100 prayerful supporters. If you have a prayer of joy, concern, or praise you would like lifted to the Lord, simply send a note to Pastor Jim Beard (, Director of Congregational Care, by the end of the day Tuesdays. Or if you are one who would like to pray for others and be included in these weekly notifications, simply let Pastor Jim know. You need not be a member of Good Samaritan UMC to be included in this life-giving ministry.

Support Groups
There will be times throughout our lives when hardship and struggles will come. You need not feel alone when such things occur. Good Samaritan has three on-going support groups which each meet monthly. Our Caregivers Support Group is especially for those who provide care to others with long-term illnesses or similar conditions. Our Compassion Collective offers a safe, supportive space to personally share stories for those going through health struggles and the like. Finally, Good Samaritan also has an active Caring Ministries Team who stay in contact with those going through difficulties, especially those who may find themselves less able to get to church, are facing long-term recovery or rehab, or who are feeling isolated for whatever reason. The Lord will never leave your side; Good Samaritan aims to be there for you and your loved ones as well.

Tuesday Bible Study
Tuesdays, 9:30-11:30am (September - May)
Tuesday Bible Study meets every Tuesday morning at 9:30 in the Fireside Room between the second week in September through the first week in May.
Visitors and new members (men and women) are more than welcome.
The 2024 fall season will begin September 10 with the book How Happiness Happens: Finding Lasting Joy in a World of Comparison, Disappointment, and Unmet Expectations by Max Lucado.
Please direct questions to Carol Smith (, Christina Leenders (, or Mary Stanton (

Appalachia Service Project (ASP)
Making Homes Warmer, Safer, Drier, Transforming Lives
2025 will mark Good Samaritan’s 44th year of participation in ASP, traveling to a location in Appalachia to help make critical repairs to a family’s home. Since COVID, the number of ASP volunteers has decreased, but the need in Appalachia has not diminished and neither has our commitment to serving the wonderful peo- ple of this area. We welcome youth who have completed 8th grade on up, college students/ young adults, and any other interested adults. Church membership or construction experi- ence are not requirements. Gather friends and family and join us as we repair homes, develop relationships, and build hope. If interested, please email Jan at so we can add you to our email list. Our 2025 trip dates are to be determined.
According to the ASP website, “each year, more than 15,000 volunteers serve with ASP, providing critical repairs for more than 350 families.” Projects can include roofing, flooring, shoring up foundations, digging drainage ditches, making rooms or homes wheel-chair accessible, or other projects that help make homes warmer, safer, and drier. In addition to building and improving homes, ASP is also a relational ministry for both the families we serve as well as those serving.
This ministry is about lifting the spirits of Appalachian families and reminding them that God’s love knows no boundaries. In the process of putting your faith in action, God acts in your heart. And when you change the lives of others, they have a way of changing you.
All students who have completed the 8th grade or higher are invited to serve with families in Central Appalachia. Students who are not members of or otherwise affiliated with Good Samaritan church are also invited to participate in the ASP trip. Bring a friend.
For more information contact Amy Manolis or Jan Russell.

Friday Breakfast Group
First and Third Fridays, 8:30am, Jerry's Foods
Our Friday Breakfast Group welcomes everyone to the conversation! They meet at Jerry’s (5125 Vernon Ave, Edina) for breakfast at 8:30am on the first and third Fridays of each month. This is a great opportunity for you to come and bring a friend. Contact Brian Boysen with questions.

Mondays, 1:15pm, Conference Room
Calling all Knitters, Quilters and Embroiderers! Work on personal projects while enjoying the company of others
Contact: Carol Smith

Thursday Afternoon Book Club
2nd Thursday of Each Month, 1:00pm, Fireside Room (Sept-May)
Our next meeting will be Thursday, March 13th in the Fireside Room at 1:00. The discussion title is The Color Purple by Alice Walker. This Pulitzer Prize winning and often challenged novel is an eloquent portrait of black women’s lives that are sustained by faith, love, and trust in the face of brutality, poverty, and racism.