Good Samaritan’s children’s programs cultivate a joyful community of families engaged in high quality programs, faith, fellowship, spiritual fulfillment and mission.
The children’s ministry serves children from birth through 6th grade and their families.
Our facilities include a nursery, gym, and Methodist Sunday School lessons in our classrooms, and our church library has children’s material and chairs for reading. There are donuts and lemonade served after each service on Sundays in the Fellowship Hall.
During the school year, we offer Sunday School and Wednesday night Youth Group (beginning with 6th grade). During Advent season, there are family-friendly services. In the Summer, we offer traditional and adaptive Vacation Bible Camp.
Good Samaritan Family Newsletter, March 21, 2025
Building Faithful Families
We all have such crazy schedules. Making it to church can sometimes be difficult. To help you build your family’s faith, each month we will have a new resource for you to try at home with your family. These resources don’t need a theology degree, just a desire to be come closer as a family and to strengthen your family’s spirituality.
- March BFF Resource is available by contacting
- February is all about the building blocks of prayer. Download: BFF Activity for February, 2025
Children’s Ministry
Sunday School – following Children’s Time in Worship
Pre-K-6th Grade, Room 200 with Jan Russell
This Week: “Who Am I?”
Intergenerational Ukrainian Egg Day! Saturday, April 12, 2:00-5:30 p.m.
We want to be good stewards of resources, and with the current food insecurities, we are donating the equivalent of five dozen eggs to both VEAP and Joyce Food Shelf. However! The intergenerational fun will continue! We will be doing alternative Ukrainian crafts, playing Ukrainian games, listening to Ukrainian music, and supporting the UMCOR mission in Ukraine. Please RSVP by April 5 to
Save the Date:
- Lenten Book Study for Care Givers – Wednesdays, March 12-April 16, 6pm: The Hopeful Family: Raising Resilient Children in Uncertain Times
- Vacation Bible Camp – “Road Trip” June 23-27, 2025. Participants 4 years old – 4th grade. Youth volunteers 5th grade – 12th grade. You Can NOW Register Online to Participate or Volunteer for VBS!
- Adaptive Bible Camp – August 4-7, 2025

Children’s Sunday School
Sundays, 10:15am
Sunday School is available for children and youth age 4 through grade 6.
Sunday School – following Children’s Time in Worship

United Methodist Church Nursery
Sundays, 9:45 – 11:00a.m.
The large, light-filled, and welcoming nursery is staffed by professional childcare workers. Your child can enjoy the nursery while you enrich your soul and mind in worship. The Nursery is on the upper level, steps from our sanctuary.

Children, Youth and Family Advisory Board
The Children, Youth and Families Advisory Council provide input into events, programming and the physical space that welcomes our new and existing families. The Council meets quarterly. If you’d like to participate, contact Jan to learn more!