Children’s Ministry

Good Samaritan’s children’s programs cultivate a joyful community of families engaged in high quality programs, faith, fellowship, spiritual fulfillment and mission.

The children’s ministry serves children from birth through 6th grade and their families.

Our facilities include a nursery, gym, and Methodist Sunday School lessons in our classrooms, and our church library has children’s material and chairs for reading. There are donuts and lemonade served after each service on Sundays in the Fellowship Hall.

During the school year, we offer Sunday School and Wednesday night Youth Group (W.I.L.D. Ones). During Advent season, there is a children’s Christmas Pageant and family- friendly services. In the Summer, we offer Vacation Bible School (VBS), and Little Leapers playgroup.

Good Samaritan Family Newsletter, July 26, 2024

Upcoming Events:

Children’s Sunday School

Sundays, 10:15am

Sunday School is available for children and youth age 4 through grade 12.

Sunday School – following Children’s Time in Worship

  • Pre-K-6th Grade, Room 200 with Jan Russell
  • This Sunday, 7/28: Lego Summer: Recreating the Parables in Lego!

Coming Soon:

    • “Just Like Me” – Adaptive Vacation Bible Camp
      July 29 – August 1 2024 –
      We are partnering with Eden Prairie UMC to offer an Adaptive Summer Bible Camp. This experience supports kids with social, communication, and sensory needs. Children will enjoy games, fun, and creative learning with trained volunteers. Adaptive Camp is for children 3½  years and older. There is no charge for this camp. If you wish to volunteer or know someone who would like to attend contact Jan!
    • Rally Day!  September 8, 2024 – Mark your calendars for Rally Day this fall!
    • Youth Event! October 2, 2024 – “Just One” at Messiah UMC – More details to come!

Learn More

United Methodist Church Nursery

Sundays, 9:45 – 11:00a.m.

The large, light-filled, and welcoming nursery is staffed by professional childcare workers. Your child can enjoy the nursery while you enrich your soul and mind in worship. The Nursery is on the upper level, steps from our sanctuary.

Learn More

United Methodist Church Children’s Council

It’s time to reestablish our councils! We will combine Children, Youth, and Families Ministries into one council for the next program year. If you have any interest in serving on this council, please let Jan know.

Contact Jan to learn more!

Click on the links to download our sign up and health forms or to learn more about our children’s programs:

Enroll Your Child into United Methodist Sunday School Lessons

If you would like to learn more about our Sunday School and Children’s Programs, please contact us or join us for Sunday service.

Contact Good Samaritan

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